Your work real hard
And the pay's real low
And ev'ry hour
Goes oh, so slow
And at the end of the day
There's nowhere to go
But home to Avenue Q!
You live on Avenue Q!
Your friends do too.
As a worker bee myself, I can totally relate. And I think it would be great fun to live on the same block as Princeton, Kate Monster and Christmas Eve!
We concentrate on winning
At the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
We speak so damn convincingly
They're nervous but they're grinning
It seems
We're living out our dreams
Which is a very nice, very nice
Very very very nice
Very nice, very nice
Very very very nice
Very nice
25th Annual
25th Annual
Putnam County
Spelling Bee!
I don't see a miracle shining from the sky
I'm no good at statues and stories
I try
That's not what I think about
That's not what I see
I know what the sunlight can be
The Light, the Light in the Piazza
Tiny sweet
And then it grows
And then it fills the air
Who knows what you call it?
I don't care
Out of somewhere I have something I have never had
And sad is happy
That's all I see
The Light in the Piazza
ELLE - "Legally Blonde"
Chalk it all up to experience
They said I'd fail but I disagreed
Who could say then where my path would lead?
Well, now I know
Back to the sun
Back to the shore
Back to what I was before
Back where I'm known
Back in my own
Very small pond
Laugh with my friends
When I arrive
We'll drop the top and just drive
That's fine with me
Just let me be
Legally Blonde
VIVIENNE - "Legally Blonde Remix"
You proved it to me
Now show everyone what you can do
And you look great in dark blue!
Get back in the game
Back on the case
Take a good look at my face
I'm not a fool
And it's a rule
I do not pose!
But I see a star
You're my new muse
You've got the best freakin' shoes!
And you lit a fuse
So go show them who's
Legally Blonde!
Lights up on Washington Heights, up at the break of day
I wake up and I got this little punk I gotta chase away
Pop the grate at the crack of dawn, sing
While I wipe down the awning
Hey ya'll good morning
In the heights
I buy my coffee and I go
Set my sights
On only what I need to know
In the heights
Money is tight
But even so
When the lights go down I blast my radio
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