Dear Jeff,
Why don't you cover more touring company shows and off-Broadway shows?
Tim, an off-Broadway Fan
Thanks for writing. Funny that you should mention that. In recent weeks, I have posted reviews of the National Tours of next to normal and Hair. And so far this season, I've reviewed Lysistrata Jones, and just this week, I'll have discussed the logos of RENT and Death Takes a Holiday, and reviews of both will be posted when they open. In fact, Death will have its review posted on Friday.
Dear JK:
Come on, man! You put up these puzzles and you promise the answers and then nothing! How about that last logic puzzle?
JK, too (though my name isn't Jeff!) Albany, NY
Sorry, JK!
I actually forgot to post the answers to Logic Puzzle #2 last Sunday. And I'll post the answers to Monday's Broadway Vocabulary Quiz below that. So, if you don't want to know, stop reading NOW!
Here's the answer to Logic Puzzle #2:
Female-Male-Performance-Show-Ticket Outlet
- Millie - Frank - Tuesday - Spider-Man - Lottery
- Nanette - Edwin - Saturday - Ghetto Klown - Box Office
- Ophelia - Charlie - Friday - Hair - Online
- Paula - Don - Wednesday - Billy Elliot - TKTS
- Rose - Bobby - Thursday - Master Class - Concierge
And here are the answers to the Broadway Vocabulary Quiz:
- Bindus, i, A
- calumnies, c, J
- coriander, j, F
- diadem, h, D
- lavabo, e, C
- metronome, b, B
- passeggiata, f, I
- seraglio, a, E
- ululating, d, H
- vindaloo, g, G
- Someone to review National Touring companies, Broadway and off-Broadway shows that I don't get to.
- New words for the next Broadway Vocabulary Quiz.
- Clever sayings and turns of phrase from your favorite Broadway musicals.
If you have any or all of these, please email me at jkstheatrescene@yahoo.com.
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